April 12, 2011

New WBC ! ! !

YAYYYY!!!! A new WBC came today! I love getting any news about my boy, and we got some pretty good news today.

My boy is Cruising! Can you believe it? Oh I think I teared up a bit when I read this... I love that he's doing so well, and meeting all these developmental milestones, but I am also a bit sad that we missed his first steps. Either way though, my big boy is now on the move!   Man, I wish we had video footage or at least a few pictures.
He has also gotten a few more baby teeth, has learned to wave bye-bye, play peek-a-boo, sit up by himself, and quite a bit more. :o)
Hey, I know this is expected (or the natural course of) development, and yes I know that sitting up and cruising does not equal rocket science, but hey, I'm excited, and for me it may as well have been rocket science....lol. I was dancing around the house, I was so happy to imagine my boy doing all these new things.
Hmmm.... Is it too early to pre-register him for Harvard? ...lol


  1. Hurray! Congrats! So glad they updated you!

  2. Harvard will be lucky to have him! :-)
