April 21, 2011

i sometimes worry

Okay, so this adoption has taught me something new about myself:  I'm learning that I am in fact a bit of a worrier.   ....And it's causing me no end of stress.

I worry that, as first time parents, we have no idea what we're doing...

I worry that we are not preparing correctly, or enough, or something...
I worry that we won't know what the heck to do with our baby when we get to Korea...
I worry that I won't know what the heck to do with him when we get back home...
I worry that there's no one around to show me any of the basics: what to do and how to do it...
I worry that there's no one around to gently correct my mistakes without being critical...

I seriously worry that I'm all alone in New Jersey with absolutely no personal support....
I'm worried that I will go through those bonding adjustments alone with no one to talk to...

I worry that I may not be strong enough to be a full time working mom…
I worry that I won't know the right things to do to be a good mom... 
Worst of all... I worry that I'll be just awful at this whole mommy thing and not even realize it.

It's true....I do sometimes worry about these things.  
However, when these thoughts plague my mind on days like today, I turn to my secret weapon (my bible) and remind myself that With God All Things Are Possible...  that I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me...  that My Help Comes From The Lord.   ...I hope, I pray, I believe, that no matter what...  it is well with my soul.



  1. You sound like every new Mom I've ever met! Don't feel bad! It will be OK. We all do make mistakes, but kids are resilient, and it's all in God's hands!
    Definitely find a support network - that will be very important! But it will all work out and (eventually) it will be wonderful! :) At least most days! :) Love the ADORABLE pictures!!!

  2. Thanks Christy! You are always so positive and supportive. :)
