April 01, 2011

Amazing Love


I know that this has been asked by many before me, but the question still rocks my mind... How is it possible to love someone so thoroughly that you've never even met? How can someone occupy so much of your mind, and you've never actually held them in your arms? ...And how can this happen in such a short period of time???
That I could love my little one so much already after only discovering his existence less than a month ago, is amazing to me. That my world could be moved to such a point that he has now become the very center of it...is amazing to me. That I could feel so fiercely protective of him already... well, that truly is amazing to me.
God is sooo good. That He can gift my husband and I with someone so beautiful, so perfect, so precious... well......    :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm amazed at how much love I have for a child that I haven't seen the picture of yet and I don't know anything about them. I can only imagine how that will grown once there's an actual name/picture/personality connected to my child. Thinking of you and thanking God!
