May 24, 2011

Timeline... my new best guess


Soooooo...  after talking to LL and LM today I am beginning to think that we will most likely travel around Labor Day this year -- sometime between the end of August and mid-September, which means we need to get use to the idea of not having our boy home for his 1st birthday (we had been hoping).

Not the best news in the world...  but on the bright side he will get to spend his birthday in his birth country with a foster family who obviously loves him very much... and in a few months we will have him forever!  ...And I guess that's not so bad after all.    :)

Counting down the days...


May 19, 2011

NEW PICS ! ! !


What a nice and unexpected surprise!

My boy is getting so big.   :-)


And he's got his mommy's sense of humor.

Looks like just about anything cracks him up!   LOL...



May 16, 2011

WBC!!! WBC!!!

Horraayyyy for new WBC's ! ! ! My big boy was 10 months old last week and we got some awesome news about his health and development today.

Once again the doctor has marked him as being a healthy bundle of joy. Yay!!!   Such a big boy, he is not only cruising (holding on to furniture, etc, and walking around the room), he is now also able to stand by himself without assistance. Yay!!! He plays peek-a-boo and patty-cake, played with a ball with his doctor, has 8 teeth pushing out (YES....8 ! ! !) -- 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom; and is considered to be developing slightly ahead of the curve... i.e. developmentally he was assessed at being  > 10 months old!

My Big Boy.... Wow!    How cool is this?   Thank you are an awesome God!     :o)

May 15, 2011

Babymoon... CHECK!

It Was Awesome!!!!!

Here are a few pics.   :o)

May 02, 2011

Swimming In Custard


Why oh why does time seem to be going sooooo slow now?   I know everyone said that the wait got worse AFTER referral, but gee... I never thought it would feel like I was swimming in custard.

Doesn't the government know that I NEED to go get my boy?  Hello!   LOL...

Times like now I sit hoping for a new WBC to come so that I can ooohhh and aaahhhh over his progress.  Maybe this time I'll get some new pics, or (dare I hope?), some video footage?   Eeek!!!   Just the idea of video footage gives me goose bumps!  :o)