May 16, 2011

WBC!!! WBC!!!

Horraayyyy for new WBC's ! ! ! My big boy was 10 months old last week and we got some awesome news about his health and development today.

Once again the doctor has marked him as being a healthy bundle of joy. Yay!!!   Such a big boy, he is not only cruising (holding on to furniture, etc, and walking around the room), he is now also able to stand by himself without assistance. Yay!!! He plays peek-a-boo and patty-cake, played with a ball with his doctor, has 8 teeth pushing out (YES....8 ! ! !) -- 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom; and is considered to be developing slightly ahead of the curve... i.e. developmentally he was assessed at being  > 10 months old!

My Big Boy.... Wow!    How cool is this?   Thank you are an awesome God!     :o)

1 comment:

  1. lalala Baby let's "cruise" away from here lalala! Congratulations that your boy is doing so well. Every little stage at this point is such a big step and must be celebrated! You both must be so proud of him! God bless you all.
