June 30, 2011

Finally Some Good News!

Our very first Progress Report!   Yay!!!

So lets not keep everyone waiting…. even though its from his 10 month check up, (so yes its sort of old news), we're still happy because we really needed some GOOD news.   :)

So here it is....

Baby Kwon sits up using his arms and knees after crawling, then plays for quite a while. He stands up alone and then usually takes 4 to 5 steps [at 10 months??? Wow!]  Crawls to get his favorable objects, grabs them by reaching with his hands, and then plays with them by banging them on the floor [HaHa!!!  Sounds like daddy's boy.   Yep, I think he’ll fit right in this family.]
Kwon grabs his toys with both hands when playing with them. Picks small objects using thumb and index finger. Rolls a ball well. Looks to find the source of noises, or when his name is called. Stops activities briefly if told “No” or “Don’t do that…”, but will resume if he reads a non-serious face. [Hmm…who’s going to claim this one? Grandpa?  lol]  Plays ‘peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake’ and responds to bye-bye with very cute hand motions. 
Laughs loudly and giggles when he is playing or is being played with. Shrieks and shouts with joy when he feels happy [uh huh…sounds a lot like both aunties]. He also babbles a lot. [Yep! He gets this one from mommy…lol]
[Lets Talk Food:] It seems baby Kwon eats lots and lots and lots: rice porridge; minced spinach, carrot, potato and beef [beef?]; diced apples and bananas, oranges, sponge cake, yogurt, eggs, soft cookies, sweet potato and pumpkin…. and the occasional bottle of milk.
[The amazing news!] He sleeps from around 9:00pm or 10:00pm until 6:00am or 7:00am [really?? cause that's great!] and takes two naps a day for a couple of hours. He seems quite sociable in nature and smiles readily, even with strangers [like his grandmom…scary, I know]. He likes to be with his peers and approaches them with interest and fascination. He loves to be held; enjoys splashing water during baths [who doesn’t?]; and likes being outside in the baby stroller. 
He seems to be a wonderful little boy who is bright, playful, and cheerful in nature.



1 comment:

  1. He sounds absolutely charming and adorable!!! What a great progress report!!
