November 01, 2010

Comsi Comsa

Telling members of our extended family and close friends of our decision to adopt has been a mixed bag of responses.  From super excited, huge hugs, tears of joy, a few gifts, and the beginnings of planning a baby shower;  to lukewarm hugs, complete confusion, and even a bit of denial .... the responses have run the gamut.  And, as you can imagine, some of those less than enthusiastic reactions were a bit disappointing to us, but since they were in the minority, Tony and I decided to meet such opinions with prayer, and hope that with time (and education), those still uncertain will come around and be as excited as we are about our decision to adopt.  I mean, as my sister-in-law says... who wouldn't be happy, and totally fall in love with a babyyyy!    :-)
Anyway, this weekend was mostly sweet.   The best part?  Well, I think the prize goes to both my mother-in-law (who is probably as excited about this whole adoption as my husband and I combined), and my Aunt Margo, who is my mom's little sister (and was only 12 years old when I was born).  They both couldn't stop talking about their "grandson" and all the fun they plan to have with him.  Yes, makes sense for my mother-in-law to call our soon to be son her grandson, but my aunt?  How does she qualify?  Well as far as she is concerned she's like my 2nd mother, and that makes her a grandmother to any children of   Funny!
Anyway, it was wonderful to hear them both refer to our soon to be son as their grandson.  (We are hoping for our referral sometime around Father's Day 2011)

Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.   :o)

1 comment:

  1. I am sure you know to concentrate on the positive feedback. For many people, unless you having the calling to be an adoptive or foster parent it is difficult to understand the "why would you" concept. You have faith and support from those who really matter;-)
