September 12, 2011

He can STACK!!!

Soooo... it's been 100 years since my last post -- I know, I know... I'm sorry.   That's why I started you off with a cute li'l pic...  to soften you up.   :-)

Anyway, I come today with lots of good news. We received a new Well Baby report and, as you can see, some awesome pics over the past few days. Its not as great as if we had him here, but it surely is the next best thing.
So here we go...

My boy is totally on track with his height and weight - actually he's about an inch taller than average right now.  Has 15 teeth...yes, I said 15!   Can you say "carnivore"???

He walks alone.
He runs alone. (runs??? oh boy!)
He can both kick a ball and throw a ball.
He drinks from a sippy cup.
Stacks blocks on top of each other.
Has developed basic speech and says a handful of words.
Takes his socks off on his own... (could be a problem
Is quite sociable: plays ball with his examiners and imitates their behavior.

And has been assessed as being developmentally on target.  Yay!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! He's doing great! Sounds like you need to have your running shoes ready. :) Praying for you in this hard wait. Hope you get good news soon.
