January 05, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hi and Happy New Year from the twin islands of Trinidad & Tobago!!!   I know I'm a few days late, but our vacation has been so awesome: warm, sunny, restful and fun that I've been a little distracted;  and I absolutely do not want to be back in the cold and snow just yet.  Thank goodness we've got another couple of days.   :o)

Tony and I wish you and your family all the best (peace, health, love, goodwill and prosperity) for 2011 and beyond.



  1. I just found your blog and look forward to following your journey. My son came home from Korea at the end of September. Best wishes to you as you continue to go through the process!

  2. Hi! Yay for HSTK and a Happy New Year! Hope you're doing well. It seems like things are moving along in the world of adoption. Has your agency given you an idea of a time line? Thinking of you! ;)
