April 16, 2010


Yayyy, it happened!

After months and months of discussion and research - meetings, conferences, flip-flopping between domestic and international, talking with representatives from one agency and then another.... we finally did it.  We finally locked in on the South Korean program and submitted the Holt pre-application for adoption.   International Adoption.    ...And boy does it feel good!  :-)

Tony and I have always known that we would adopt children, I think God put it in our hearts for most of our lives.   Long before we met I knew that I wanted to adopt, not one, or two... but several children.  Even if I had bio babies of my own I still knew I wanted to adopt.   Tony also always thought of adoption, mostly because he had a wonderful personal example of how successful and rewarding adoption can be.... his little sister was adopted into his family as a baby, and so for him, adoption was simply another very normal way to increase ones family.

When Tony and I were dating, one of the first things that made an impact on me was his openness to adoption.  And having a success story in his own family was, for me, an amazing sign, since, although I had always wanted to adopt, I had no real frame of reference that adoptions work for both parent and child.   Seeing how close he was with his sister, and how close she was with the rest of the family, was for me a banner ad from God giving me a huge thumbs up sign...lol

So, after 2 years of questions, answers, a whole lot of research, and even switching agencies....we're super happy to be finally on the road to a forever family!

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